
Shelve as slogger replacement

Please see the following pages:

Create a browsing history (version 1.22+)

Beginning with version 1.22, shelve provides an additional way to create a log of all visited pages.

In order to log all pages (without saving the pages):

Tab "Shelf":
  • Define a new shelve named, e.g., "log".
  • Set the filename template to "-" (a single dash), which will prevent shelve from saving the page
Tab "Log":
  • Fill in the information for the log filename and the log entry (please see tutorial the by silverwav)
Tab "Auto-Save"
  • Enter "." as RegExp in the textbox (this will match any URL)
  • Mark the checkbox "Check the RegExp while browsing, not when manually invoking Shelve"
  • Mark the checkbox "After automatically saving a page, continue with other shelves"
Press "Ok".

You might want to move this shelf to the bottom of your list.

Shelve Firefox Addon

The Shelve extension provides a way to quickly save the current document to a predefined folder defined by means of a filename template.
Filename templates
The template string can contain placeholders for the document’s host, filename, date, clip, and more.
Shelve can be invoked by a user-configurable hotkey (default: F9). Users can assign hotkeys to individual “shelves”.
The downloaded document can be registered in a log.
A custom footer, which could contain the source URL and an optional note, can be appended to the local copy of the document.
Auto-save mode
Users can enable auto-save mode when invoking the main shelve dialog. Alternatively, they can set a shelve to which all documents should be saved to after startup. In auto-save mode, every subsequently loaded document will be saved to the same shelf (%c clip will be disabled though). The status is reflected by the toolbar button’s state. To switch auto-save mode off, invoke the main shelve dialog again, e.g., by pressing the main hotkey (F9).

Additional information about the add-on can be found at: